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Make Some Amazing Zucchini Brownies With A Magically Vanishing Ingredient

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Last Modified: June 25, 2024
Published: June 25, 2024

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The Zucchini Disappears The Brownies Get Rich And Moist

These amazing zucchini brownies are another example of the magical power of shredded zucchini, which makes baked goods tender and moist while virtually vanishing into the batter. You absolutely do not taste a bit of zucchini in these fabulously moist brownies!

The pretty green vegetable should be canonized for its selfless ability to vanish while making baked goods taste amazing.

What Makes These Amazing Zucchini Brownies So Amazing

amazing zucchini brownies

This magic is exceptionally evident in this recipe! When I combined the sugar, oil, vanilla, flour, baking soda, salt, and cocoa, the mixture looked like sand! No kidding!

I looked at the recipe again and thought, “Surely there’s an egg or two in this recipe for zucchini brownies!” But nope, just three full cups of shredded zucchini. This recipe is egg and dairy free, completely vegan!

I looked again at the recipe instructions, and it said the batter would look dry, but I wasn’t expecting it to look like a beach!

SOMETHING MAGICAL BEGAN TO HAPPEN when I stirred the zucchini into the grainy-looking mixture! Within about five minutes, the zucchini released its moisture, and a lovely, chocolatey zucchini brownie batter began to appear. I folded in some semi-sweet chocolate chips. If I would have had chocolate chunks, they would have been good, too.

How To Bake Amazing Zucchini Brownies

I waited for another three minutes or so, then scooped the beautiful mixture into a thirteen by nine pan I had sprayed and lined with parchment paper. I cut the piece long enough that the ends hung over the long sides of the pan, forming a handle I’d use to lift the brownies out of the pan when I cut them.

I sprinkled a few more chocolate chips on top of the batter for good measure and popped the pan into a 350-degree oven for about 25 minutes. My cake tester still had some wet batter clinging to it, so I gave the pan another five minutes, and the brownies were perfect. Every oven is different, so always test!

Let the brownies cool completely in the pan, then lift them out using the parchment paper “handles.” I found that my bench scraper was the best tool for cutting the brownies.

With it, I could cut straight down into the brownies and avoid dragging a knife through them. It made a very clean cut. Mine is old and doesn’t have a measuring guide. Believe me, you’ll find dozens of ways to use this handy and inexpensive little gadget.

Until you get a bench scraper, cut the zucchini brownies by pressing the knife straight down, then lift it until you have cut the brownies into squares the size you want. I divided them into twenty-four pieces. I cut the pan into four lengthwise and six across. If you want more, you have the joy of eating two!!

These yummy brownies, especially with the added chocolate chips in the batter and on top, definitely do not need any frosting! They would be the perfect base for a brownie sundae with homemade hot fudge sauce on top! A cold glass of milk is always a wonderful accompaniment to a chocolatey zucchini brownie!

I forgot to mention that these zucchini brownies are vegan, which may be helpful if you are following a plant-based diet. If so, soy or almond milk is great with these tasty treats, too!


Yield: 24 brownies

Amazing Zucchini Brownies

amazing zucchini brownies square

Exceptionally moist and rich brownies that are totally vegan. The recipe uses three full cups of shredded zucchini!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 1 1/2 cups white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup Vegetable oil
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp Baking soda
  • 1/2 cup Cocoa powder, unsweetened
  • 1 1/4 cups Semi-sweet chocolate chips or chunks, plus some for garnish on top if desired
  • 3 cups raw zucchini, unpeeled and shredded fine


  1. Grease a 13" by 9" pan and line it with parchment paper cut large enough so some hangs down on the long sides. You'll use this to lift the brownies out of the pan.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  3. Beat together the oil, sugar, and vanilla.
  4. Mix well with the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. The batter will be very dry and look like sand but don't panic.
  5. Fold in the zucchini by hand and let the batter rest for at least five minutes. This gives the zucchini time to release its moisture into the dry ingredients. It's almost magic.
  6. Add the chocolate chips and stir again. The batter should look wet now. If not, let it sit a little longer. It will happen.
  7. Spread the batter in the pan and bake for 25-35 minutes. Check after 25 minutes. A cake tester or toothpick should come out clean with no batter clinging to it. Every oven is different!
  8. Allow the brownies to cool completely before cutting them into squares.

Our family is loaded with chocoholics, and some are vegan, so this recipe is perfect for them! Some have to watch their gluten intake, so here's a fun Gluten-Free Caramel Chocolate Chex mix that everyone loves and yummy chocolatey Peanut Butter Frito Bars. Fun for everyone who loves chocolate!

If you liked this recipe, you are my people! Please share it on your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter! It would sure tickle me, and I would be ever so grateful!

If you haven't already, please look for me on Facebook and Pinterest. I share easy, delicious, family-friendly recipes there every week!

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Love, GB (Betty Streff)

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