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Where everything's made with love

No-Knead Bread With Just A Bowl and A Spoon

Published:  • 
Last Modified: April 10, 2020
Published: April 10, 2020

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Awhile back, I re-posted an old favorite no-knead bread recipe, Millie's Dilly Bread. The recipe was a big winner at The Pillsbury Bake-Off in 1960, and the winning contestant was from Nebraska!

Lots of you commented you remember your mom made it in when you were growing up. You still recall how good it tasted!

Here Is The Sweet Tender Cousin Of Millie's Dilly Bread

All those nice comments, and then there was my beautiful friend Barb. She didn't think her hubby would dig the onion and dill and wondered how the bread could be made sweet!

Ah-ha, a challenge!! (Thank you, Barb. You inspired me!)

So, I did some research and found a simple no-knead Cottage Cheese Bread recipe. Plano. It was almost identical to Millie's recipe but without onion or dill.

Cottage cheese imparts no flavor of its own to the bread. It simply gives the bread a moist, light, porous (read: butter sponge) texture. And freckles. The characteristic brown specks you see when it's baked.

Hmmm, I thought, this is like a blank bread canvas! I went right to work on a sweet breakfast-type loaf. No dill, no onion.

Instead, I plumped up a cup of raisins in a bowl with boiling water from my tea kettle while I mixed up the bread.

I added about 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to the batter. Then I drained the raisins, squeezing out all excess moisture, and stirred them in. From there on, I made it just like dilly bread.

The result was a beautiful loaf that's perfect for toasting and delicious smeared with cream cheese or butter. Papa suggested a glaze might be good. Maybe next time!

I cut the cool loaf into 16 slices and put them in a freezer bag so we can get out a slice or two at a time.

no-knead cinnamon raisin bread

What Else Can You Create With This No-Knead Bread Recipe

What about adding dried cranberries, cardamom, or orange zest to the batter? How do dried cherries with almonds sound?

This whole "social distancing" thing has limited my ability to share. Worse yet, half of our hungry grandkids just went back to college! If we're not careful, we could quickly gain our COVID 19 pounds!

So, friends, I'm counting on your creativity! Be sure and tell me what you try and how it turns out! I LOVE hearing from you!

Yield: 16 slices

No-Knead Breakfast Bread With Raisins And Cinnamon

no-knead cinnamon raisin bread with butter

A not-too-sweet no-knead bread with cinnamon and raisins. Perfect for toasting, great for breakfast!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Additional Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes


  • 1 package yeast (or equivalent bulk yeast)
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 2 1/4 cups flour
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp softened butter
  • 1 cup full fat cottage cheese, undrained
  • 1 egg slightly beaten
  • 1 or 2 tsp cinnamon, to taste
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 cup raisins, plumped and WELL drained


  1. Put the raisins in a bowl, cover them with boiling water, and allow them to soak while you prepare the batter.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and set aside.
  3. Spray a medium microwave-safe bowl with non-stick spray.
  4. Put the cottage cheese in the bowl.
  5. Heat the cottage cheese in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds. It should be bath-water warm, but not hot.
  6. The yeast works best when the cottage cheese is about 110 degrees.
  7. In the same bowl, add the yeast mixture, sugar, butter, egg, cinnamon, and baking soda. Stir well.
  8. Add the flour and stir it in well. The result will be a medium stiff dough.
  9. Drain raisins well and squeeze out excess moisture.
  10. Fold raisins into the batter.
  11. let the bread rise in the same bowl until doubled in size, about one hour.
  12. Punch down the dough and put it in a sprayed standard loaf pan.
  13. Let it rise again until doubled. The second rising should take less time.
  14. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes and the crust is a beautiful golden brown.
  15. When it is done, it will sound hollow when it's tapped.
  16. Brush with melted butter if you like.
  17. Cool well before slicing. It freezes well.

Did you enjoy this recipe today? Please share it on your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. I'd be so grateful! Thank you! 

If you haven’t already looked, please check out my Facebook page. I’ll be posting easy, delicious, and family-friendly recipes every week!

Please make sure to notice all the things in your life that are going well and thank God. Wash your hands, keep wearing that mask, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time!!

Love, GB (Betty Streff)

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