Where everything's made with love

How To Make Amazing Peanut Butter Frito Bars

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Last Modified: April 24, 2024
Published: April 24, 2024

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The Perfect Sweet And Salty No-Bake Treat

My first Peanut Butter Frito Bars were tested and approved by a gaggle of teenagers when we gathered at our daughter's cabin at the lake over Memorial Day. The Lake Place is often where recipes get a test run because it's a great mix of age groups, three generations, in fact. They got at least ten thumbs up.

These yummy bars have that irresistible sweet and salty flavor combo, the one that keeps you eating more and more even though your brain says you should stop.

peanut butter frito bars

These amazing treats require only five or six ingredients (toffee chips are optional), no baking, and absolutely no skill to make.

Peanut Butter Frito Bars Are As Simple As A Texas Two Step

Gather the simple ingredients before you begin. You can also use chocolate almond bark for the chocolate drizzle.

peanut butter frito bars ingredients

Grease a 13" by 9" pan and spread the whole bag of Fritos on the bottom of the pan. Now put the sugar and the corn syrup in a heavy saucepan over medium heat and bring it to a boil. (Hint: I like to spray the measuring cup with non-stick spray when I measure corn syrup. It slides right out!)

You'll want to stir this mixture a lot to keep it from scorching and hurry the sugar along until it's completely dissolved. Take the pan off the stove and stir in the peanut butter until everything is smooth and yummy. I also like to spray the measuring cup when I measure peanut butter. 😉

Pour that amazing stuff over the corn chips. If you decide to use toffee bits, add them now. We left them off because we thought it might be too sweet. What were we thinking? Skip toffee? Why? (Still absolutely delicious!)

Next, drizzle some melted chocolate over the bars. It's easy when you melt it in zip-lock-type bags in the microwave. I love Amanda Rettke's website and her refreshing common sense, so here is her terrific chocolate-melting tutorial from I Am Baker!

Here's the hard part: wait until the bars are completely cool to cut them! You can also make this decadent mixture into drop cookies. Plop spoonfuls onto wax paper or a silicone mat and drizzle away! That way, you can wolf them down warm!

Sprinkles are a fun addition if you want to have some fun with the presentation! You can also skip the chocolate drizzle entirely if you prefer, and it might be a good idea if you are toting them to a picnic where it's hot.

Fritos Make These Yummy Bars A Gluten-Free Treat

I researched to be sure and discovered that Fritos original corn chips, lightly salted corn chips, Scoops, and Doritos are all gluten-free! You will need to crush Doritos or Scoops a little, but either would work well in this recipe!

Fritos as a gluten-free option is exciting news for someone who must be mindful of gluten in their diet! How fun to find such a delicious option that everyone can enjoy!

Yield: 20 bars

Peanut Butter Frito Bars

peanut butter frito bars

Frito bars are sweet, salty, chewy, peanut buttery, and absolutely delicious! No baking! How's that for awesome?

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • One 10-ounce bag of Fritos corn chips
  • 1 cup light corn syrup
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup peanut butter, either smooth or chunky, you decide!
  • 2 to 3 ounces of chocolate for drizzle (You can use chocolate chips or chocolate almond bark)
  • 1/2 cup toffee bits, optional. Choose plain or milk chocolate coated.


  1. Spread the Fritos in a greased 9" x 13" pan.
  2. In a saucepan, combine the corn syrup and sugar on medium heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Whisk and cook until all the sugar dissolves.
  4. Remove from the stove and stir in the peanut butter until smooth.
  5. Pour the peanut butter mixture over the corn chips.
  6. If you use toffee bits, sprinkle them on while the mixture is still warm.
  7. Melt the chocolate in a ziplock bag using your microwave. Use 30-second increments and mash with your fingers in between until the chocolate is smooth and melty.
  8. Snip off a corner of the bag and drizzle chocolate over the bars.
  9. Allow the bars to cool completely before cutting. (I know. It's hard.)

It's fun to find a new recipe for a treat every summer! These peanut butter Frito bars will show up at our cookouts, lake days, baseball post-game potlucks, and many other fun gatherings!

Do you have a favorite go-to recipe for bars? What dessert do you tote along to a picnic or a potluck? Here are some of our favorite bar cookies that are quick and easy to make: Easy Cake Mix Lemon Bars, Easiest Coconut Bar Cookies Ever, and Easy Sugar Cookie Bars.

If you liked this recipe, you are my people! Please share it on your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter! It would sure tickle me, and I would be ever so grateful!

If you haven't already, please look for me on Facebook and Pinterest. I share easy, delicious, family-friendly recipes there every week

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