Where everything's made with love
easy scalloped potaoes with ham

Delicious Easy Ham And Scalloped Potatoes

Published:  • 
Last Modified: November 24, 2023
Published: November 24, 2023

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Use That Leftover Ham For a Speedy Cozy Dinner

easy ham and scalloped potatoes

Hooray! I found a way to make easy ham and scalloped potatoes in one skillet on the stovetop. This recipe is not just quick; it tastes amazing, and there's only one pan to wash! We love scalloped potatoes and ham, but sometimes, it seemed like a lot of trouble to make it for the two of us.

You can choose to peel the Russet potatoes or leave the skin on like I did here for maximum fiber and nutrition or choose thin-skinned Yukon Gold potatoes. Slice the potatoes, about 1/8 inch thick, directly into a non-stick skillet with a tight-fitting lid. I adore my Pampered Chef Simple Slicer for this job! I've had many years of great service from this kitchen workhorse!

Pampered Chef slicer for scalloped potaoes and ham

I absolutely love my T-fal ten-inch skillet, and I can't tell you how often I use it! It's the best pan ever for my very popular goulash recipe! The best skillet for this scalloped potatoes recipe will be a non-stick skillet with a tight-fitting lid.

How To Make Easy Ham And Scalloped Potatoes

Add the seasonings, butter, and water, plus Knorr Vegetable Soup Base or their vegetable bouillon cubes if you can find them. Cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender, then stir in cream, ham, cheese, and some parsley for color. It is delicious!

easy ham and scalloped potaoes and ham ready to cook

Before the pandemic, I could always find the Knorr vegetable bouillon cubes in the store. I fell in love with the wonderful savory umami flavor profile, and they quickly became a kitchen staple for me. I use it in soups, sauces, and casseroles! It was exciting to know I could buy it in a restaurant-size package with a long shelf life. I recommend the product enthusiastically!

When the potatoes are tender, the sauce will have cooked down a little and gotten thicker from the starch in the potatoes. Do not drain. Gently stir in about 1/2 cup of heavy cream using a rubber spatula.

Finally, gently fold in the shredded cheese and diced ham. I prefer sharp cheddar cheese in the recipe, and I always recommend that you shred it yourself from a block of cheese.

Bagged shredded cheese has some weird stuff on it to keep the shreds from sticking together, which also keeps the cheese from melting smoothly. In addition, it costs less to shred your own!

A personal recommendation: I've become a raving fan of a small Hormel Cure 81 ham. It has the same great hickory smoked flavor as their whole ham, but it comes in a handy two to four-pound size that's pre-sliced. I use this awesome ham in casseroles like this one for stuffed baked potatoes, breakfast, and sandwiches. For this recipe, I dice it into about 3/4″ squares.

When you've added the ham and cheese to the potatoes, let the ingredients get to know each other and melt a little. I love to garnish food, so I always shake on a little parsley for color and save back part of the shredded cheese to add at the last minute.

If you want the cheese to brown a little, pop the skillet under the broiler for a few minutes, but watch closely! Enjoy your cozy dinner of easy ham and scalloped potatoes!

I am always happy to find a recipe I can make in one pan like this one! One of my most popular posts is just that, a one-pan American Goulash that's been a favorite in our family for three generations!

Yield: 4 servings

Easy Ham And Scalloped Potatoes

easy scalloped potaoes with ham

This recipe makes it easy to make scalloped potatoes and ham in a smaller batch and just one pan to wash! It's quick and delicious.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • Four to five medium Russet or Yukon Gold potatoes , peeled or unpeeled, sliced about 1/8" thick. About four cups of sliced potatoes
  • Water to barely cover the potatoes
  • One heaping Tbsp of Knorr vegetable soup base or 1 large Knorr vegetable bouillon cube
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1 Tbsp instant minced onion
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Fresh cracked pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream or more to taste
  • 1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 1/2 cups diced ham
  • Parsley for garnish, optional


  1. Put the sliced potatoes into a non-stick skillet with a tight-fitting lid.
  2. Add water, butter, vegetable bouillon, pepper, onion, and garlic.
  3. Cover and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Do not drain.
  4. Add heavy cream to the skillet and stir it in gently.
  5. Fold ham and cheese into the potatoes gently and let them cook on low heat for about five more minutes until everything is melty and warm.
  6. Garnish with some reserved cheese and parsley if desired. The dish is ready to serve.
  7. Pop the skillet into a 400-degree oven for a few minutes if you want the top browned.

If you liked this recipe, you are my people! So please share this post on your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest if you enjoyed this recipe today. It would sure tickle me, and I'd be ever so grateful; thank you! 

If you haven't already, please check out my Facebook page and find me on Pinterest, where I will post easy, delicious, and family-friendly recipes every week!

Love, GB (Betty Streff)

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