Where everything's made with love

Everyone's Nutty About Slab Pie!

Published:  • 
Last Modified: September 29, 2018
Published: September 29, 2018

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ultra nutty

Is there such a thing Foodie FOMO? I think I have it!! As much as I think about and read about and experiment with food and recipes, I totally missed the boat on slab pie!! What?? How did that happen when there's a BOAT load of great ideas for slab pie everywhere??  🙃  It's such a fantastic idea, too! Maybe my math teacher was right and it should be "pi r squared!" (Sorry, couldn't resist a pun!) But let's admit, it's hard to get a round pie cut in small pieces without making a mess of it! Soo... that's undoubtedly why some smart cookie in the kitchen came up with the idea!nutty slab pie

Speaking of smart cookies, Tricia Buice, clever girl she is, had this amazing-looking slab pie recipe on her blog, Saving Room for Dessert With a name like that you know she's awesome! 😊 And, she was sweet enough to let me share her creation with y'all! I think everyone will be nuts about it this fall!! You can grab her recipe right HERE! I hope you enjoy it! What's more, she passed along this hint! "You can start with your favorite pie recipe times one and a half, but you'll need to double the crust recipe!" Oh my,the possibilities! Yum!

Thanks so much Tricia!

nutty squirrel

If you enjoyed this recipe today, please share it on your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. I’d sure be tickled and ever so grateful, thank you! 😊 If you haven’t already, check out my Facebook page where I’ll be posting easy, delicious and family-friendly recipes every week! And, I'd love to hear from you because heaven knows I wouldn't want to miss the boat on another great idea!!

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