When I saw the recipe for black bean brownies, my first thought was, “Nope, I don’t think so; I’ll pass.” (I guess that’s three thoughts, and they came out fast.) I may never have tried these black bean brownies if I didn’t love our granddaughter so much.
Our middle granddaughter is sensitive to gluten, and my urge to help her find something fun she could eat without belly pain prompted me to try them. I was so wrong to doubt just how amazing these decadent brownies could be! All I can say is, “Wow!”
I sent a picture of a pan of black brownies to a friend. She told me she loved them and wanted one on the spot! Encouraged, I got out the ingredients, greased a pan, and gave them a shot.
The ingredients are few and simple, and I made the batter and poured it into the pan in five minutes flat. I began by draining and rinsing a can of black beans and shaking them briskly in a strainer to remove the excess water.
Then, I plopped them into my food processor and gave them a spin until they were almost completely pureed.
Next, I added the eggs, sugar, oil, vanilla, baking powder, cocoa, and salt and processed the mixture until everything was blended. The last step was to put three-fourths of the chocolate chips into the food processor and pulse just long enough to incorporate them.
I used Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa because I knew our girl loved dark chocolate and Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips for a special treat. I’m so glad to find the recipe for a treat she loves and can enjoy. Thanks to those beautiful beans, these brownies are packed with protein and fiber!
I poured the yummy-looking batter into the pan, sprinkled the remaining chocolate chips on top, and popped the pan into a 350-degree oven to bake. Curiosity got the better of me, and I could not resist tasting the batter.
To my amazement, it was great! Chocolatey and rich, and NOT A HINT OF BEAN TASTE! I was totally surprised. I could hardly wait for the finished product so I could try it!
The black bean brownies needed to be baked for twenty-five to thirty minutes or until they were set. When the top looked dry and a few cracks formed, I poked them with my cake tester, which came out clean. I was impatient, but I knew the brownies needed to cool completely before I could cut them.
I put the brownie pan on the cooling rack and set it on a shelf in our very cold garage to chill as quickly as possible while I waited. And waited….
Oh my goodness! They are amazing! I greedily ate the first one before I covered the pan and gave the rest to her mom to take home! Mom and Dad love them, too, and they are so easy to make they will probably become a staple at their house!
This is a recipe for gluten-free and dairy-free brownies that are so rich and fudgy that no one would ever guess they are made with black beans because you cannot taste them at all!
I used Hershey brand special dark cocoa and Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips.
We have a lot of chocolate-cocoholics in our family, so I have many recipes that use chocolate as a main ingredient. Me? I like caramel, lemon, toffee, or butterscotch better, but in the interest of making my family happy, here are some of my most popular chocolate recipes.
From Aunt Martha, Perfect Fudgy Brownies, from our grandson's math teacher, Chocolate Chex Caramel Crunch, from a mad scramble to get a cake to school fat, Chocolate Caramel Poke Cake, and for an ice cream day at the lake, Hot Fudge Topping! If you crave more, type chocolate in the search bar!
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Love, GB (Betty Streff)
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