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Wonderful 3 Ingredient Cookies With Cool Whip

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Last Modified: February 3, 2024
Published: February 3, 2024

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Light Crisp Cookies For Any Occasion Are Easy To Make

3 ingredient cookies with cool whip

I could not resist trying these 3 ingredient cookies made with Cool Whip! I am always dazzled and impressed by the endless creativity going on in kitchens across America! These cookies are amazing!

Whoever hatched this idea is brilliant because these cookies are not only pretty but also light, crisp, and chewy! This makes it impossible to stop eating them, and I think that may be the only drawback I can see!

Here's How To Make 3 Ingredient Cookies With Cool Whip

For my first try, I chose a festive pink strawberry Funfetti cake mix by Pillsbury because I'm in my "think spring" mode, and I thought they'd be pretty for both Valentine's Day and Easter! I'm picturing a platter of pink, yellow (lemon), and crinkly white 3 ingredient cookies on the Easter dessert table!

Take my advice, please, and use a big mixing bowl! I ended up scraping everything into a bigger bowl that gave me room to get in there with a spatula and mix everything thoroughly without spilling! Be more clever than I was! 

Next, use a cookie scoop if you have one. Santa put one in my stocking last year. Yay! Then, roll the batter into approximately walnut-size balls. I had the best luck when I wet my hands to do this because the batter was a little sticky.

I put the powdered sugar in a pie plate for the next step. You can skip rolling the cookies in powdered sugar, but this is the thing that makes Cool Whip cookies so stinking cute! Look at all the fun crinkles on the surface, and the powdered sugar gives them just a little touch of extra sweetness.

Place the cookies on a greased or parchment-covered baking sheet about twelve to a pan. They do not spread much, but you want to give them room. I am a die-hard parchment paper devotee because it never fails me, and you can bake a second round of cookies right on top of the same sheet to avoid waste.

Are you wondering why the sheet is so wrinkled? When the paper is stubborn, like towards the end of the roll, and doesn't lay flat, I wad it up like I was going to discard it and smooth it out. This slick trick works every time!

Bake the cookies for about twelve minutes in a 350-degree oven and let them cool on the sheet for a bit to firm up before moving them to a cooling rack.

I can't wait to make another batch of these 3 ingredient cookies with a cake mix and Cool Whip! This batch went to the teacher's lounge where our daughter teaches fifth grade, but her family had to nibble a few to test them before sending them! I'm happy to report we got a whole row of thumbs up!

These cookies are as light and sweet as angel kisses, and I hope you try them! Think of all the possibilities! Lemon! Strawberry! Red Velvet! Devils Food! What an easy way to make a beautiful treat!

I plan to try rolling a light-colored cake mix in powdered hot cocoa mix for a chocolatey crinkle!

Yield: 36 cookies

Three Ingredient Cookies With Cool Whip

3 ingredient cookies with cool whip

A light, crisp, chewy cookie that's crinkled, cute, and a snap to make with any flavor of cake mix.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 17 minutes


  • One 15.25 ounce cake mix of your choice, dry mix only
  • One 8-ounce tub of Cool Whip, defrosted
  • One egg
  • Powdered sugar for dusting, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grease the baking sheet or cover it with parchment paper.
  3. Combine egg, cake mix, and Cool Whip in a large mixing bowl.
  4. Roll batter into 36 walnut-size balls.
  5. Roll cookies in powdered sugar.
  6. Bake for about twelve minutes or until the edges look golden brown. Don't overbake.
  7. Allow the cookies to cool until firm before removing them to the cooling rack to cool completely.

Cookies and bars are such a fun way to celebrate a special occasion, holiday, or even an ordinary Tuesday! Cookies don't have to be fussy or take long to make. Here are some of our favorite quick and easy cookie recipes.

Easiest Coconut Bars, Cake Mix Lemon Bars, and Chow Mein Noodle Haystacks are some of our very favorite treats, and every one of them is quick and easy to make, but best of all, they're all delicious!!

If you liked this recipe, you are my people! If you like this recipe, please share it on your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter! It would sure tickle me, and I would be ever so grateful!

If you haven't already, please look for me on Facebook and Pinterest, where I will share easy, delicious, family-friendly recipes every week!

Love, GB (Betty Streff)


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