Where everything's made with love

Zippy Egg and Cheese Salad "Track Meet" Sandwiches

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Last Modified: March 14, 2019
Published: March 14, 2019

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put it on bread

You know how your kids say something cute and it sticks? Even if they were thirteen when they first said it?

recipe for track meet sandwiches

Years ago, when our girls attended a little rural school these yummy sandwiches got their name. Why the name? Because every time lunches were packed to go to a meet, "track meet sandwiches" were the requested fare along with plain potato chips and dill pickles. We still call them that to this day even though not a single person in the family goes out for track. Most of us don't even run. Except late.

"Farm eggs" are best for this recipe because the yolks are so beautiful. Deep golden yellow in color and we swear they taste better, too. I think it's because hens that are hand raised get to eat all those fresh greens. I still have an egg lady even though our years on the farm are long gone.


Hard boil the eggs.

I am simply amazed at the seemingly endless blogs and videos devoted to making it easy to peel hard boiled eggs. The great thing about this egg salad is it doesn't matter a bit what they look like because the first thing you do is season and mash 'em. See?

add sugar and salt

Quick tip: The sugar and salt make mashing go lickety split.

There's something about adding the sugar and salt along with other dry ingredients here that makes the eggs quick and easy to mash. I think it's the "grit" and that's why I do the same thing when I mash hard cooked eggs for potato salad- try it!

mash 'em

Mash the eggs

sharp cheddar cheese

Grate the cheese

In case you want to make more or less of this filling, the best ratio is an ounce of grated cheese for each egg.

track meet sandwich flling

Marry the eggs and cheese

Add the vinegar, mayo, mustard and green onions and mix it all up.

put it on bread

Pile it on some great bread, and add a gorgeous green leaf of rufflely lettuce

sneak a bite

Sneak a bite

track meet sandwich


This is also great on wheat crackers on in a pita pocket! Or on a spoon or just licking the bowl!

Great memories of raising kids on the farm and every once in awhile, especially when I have a few extra eggs on hand, I make a batch and share it with the daughter that christened the sandwich. She teaches third grade and still packs her lunch every day. The other teachers in the lunch room are jealous, every time. Just sayin'

Egg and Cheese Salad "Track Meet Sandwiches"

Not your Joe Average Egg Salad. Hard cooked eggs married with shredded sharp cheddar cheese, green onions, poppy seed and a zippy mayo and mustard dressing. Perfect on dark grainy bread or marble rye.

  • 8 eggs (hard cooked and peeled)
  • 8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
  • 2 tsp seasoned salt (your favorite)
  • 1-2 tsp black pepper (you decide how much)
  • 3 Tbsp sugar
  • 2 Tbsp vinegar (apple cider preferred)
  • 3 or 4 green onions (sliced thin, include green tops)
  • 1-2 Tbsp poppy seed
  • 3 Tbsp yellow mustard
  • 3/4 cup real mayonnaise (or enough to moisten well)
  • 2 Tbsp parsley (mostly for color)
  • sliced bread for sandwiches
  • leaf lettuce
  1. Put eggs in saucepan with cold water to a depth that covers eggs by 1"-2".  Bring to a full boil, remove from heat, cover and let stand for 20 minutes. Drain and refill pot with cold water. Let eggs cool until you can handle them comfortably.

    2. Peel and put in a bowl with poppy seed, sugar, salt and pepper. Mash with potato masher or fork. Add cheese and other ingredients. Stir until well moistened, adding mayonnaise if needed and adjusting seasoning to taste.

    3. Spoon onto dark, grainy bread or marble rye, add lettuce. 

If you enjoyed this recipe today, please share it on your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. I’d sure be tickled and ever so grateful, thank you! 

 If you haven’t already, check out my Facebook page where I’ll be posting easy, delicious and family-friendly recipes every week!

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6 comments on “Zippy Egg and Cheese Salad "Track Meet" Sandwiches”

  1. I have never been a fan of egg salad sandwiches, but with adding shredded cheese and these seasonings, I will certainly try this.

    1. Yay!!! I'm so excited that you are going to try this! It's soooo good especially when you make it with sharp cheddar cheese and serve it on pumpernickel or dark rye bread. You might try adding a few flakes of red pepper or a couple of shakes of Tobasco sauce for a teeny bit more kick! We all love it!! Either way, there's nothing bland about it! Let me know how it goes!

  2. Just want to confirm - in the Ingredients list, the amount of parsley is given as "1 T" - may I *assume* that's one tablespoon? Not to seem obtuse, but "Tbsp" is used elsewhere.

    1. Yes, good catch!! It is tablespoons Tbsp!! I fixed it thanks to your sharp eye! These are still a family favorite! I sure hope you try them and let me know what you think!! Best on dark bread! Pumpernickle, grainy wheat, Russian Rye! Yummy!

  3. Typographical correction to previous post - quantity of parsley is "2 T", not "1 T" as I incorrectly stated earlier - my error - sorry!

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