Where everything's made with love
dandelion jelly

How To Make Delightful Dandelion Jelly

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Last Modified: May 9, 2024
Published: May 9, 2024

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Turn Those Pesky Weeds Into Delicious Jelly

I've always been curious about making dandelion jelly, but this week, I decided to embark on the adventure and get it done. I have a complicated love/hate relationship with dandelions. This project made me love them, well, maybe a little bit.

We live on two semi-rural acres. It's an old property, and the soil is not particularly good, so keeping grass growing and weeds out is a battle. I hate how those pesky yellow flowers mess up my dream of a lush, green carpet of grass.

On the other hand, I love their fascinating yellow flowers when I examine them closely. I admire their tenacity and ability to grow despite harsh conditions. If you're on the fence, you might find this article interesting. Dandelions are rich in symbolism.

One of my little treasures is this embroidered dandelion cross-stitch. My aunt in Denmark hand-stitched it, and it's probably eighty or more years old. It was once a pillow, but when it was too worn to use, I rescued the center and had it framed almost fifty years ago as a reminder of just how artful they are. It always makes me smile.

Dandelion Jelly Is A Sweet and Surprisingly Nutritious Treat

Yes, those pesky yellow flowers can be used to make beautiful, delicious dandelion jelly. The amber color makes it look like honey, and it has a delicate honey-like taste with a hint of floral. Once you have picked the flowers and pulled the petals, it's easy to make.

The best time to pick the flowers is midday when the blossoms are fully open. Make sure the dandelions have not been sprayed, and stay away from picking any that are right along a highway where exhaust fumes could settle.

If you have children, it would be a great job for them. 😉 This isn't me in the picture, but my back and knees ached after filling my ice cream bucket with the blooms. I was envious of how big her flowers are and her flexible knees she has!!

At last, I had filled a five-quart ice cream bucket and headed for the house to extract the two or more cups of petals I would need to make my first batch of dandelion jelly.

How To Make Dandelions Into Jelly

There is no fast way to do this, but the quickest way is to grab the green part under the flower between your fingers and sort of roll it while you pull out the feathery petals. Patience helps because you will need two or more cups of the petals to make your first batch of dandelion jelly.

Your fingers will look like this, but it washes off easily. The yellow pigment is amazing.

Finally, you will have two cups of petals, and you will need to make some "dandelion tea."

It's okay to mix a little of the green parts with your petals, but it will affect the color, making it more amber than yellow. Avoid getting too much of the green, as that part is bitter.

Pour four cups of boiling water over the petals and steep them in the refrigerator overnight. Here is what your "dandelion tea" will look like when it's steeping.

Now Make Dandelion Tea Into Dandelion Jelly

After the petals have steeped, strain the liquid through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer to remove any solids. Squeeze the petals as dry as possible, pressing out as much liquid as possible. You should have about three or four cups of the dandelion liquid. Throw the soggy petals away.

Put your dandelion tea into a large pot. As you make the jelly, it will foam up a lot, and the mixture will get very hot! Use a long spoon to stir the jelly as it cooks. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and one packet of powdered pectin—measure and set aside four cups of sugar.

I always use the Sure-Jell brand pectin; it has never failed me! Over the years, I have learned that adding a teaspoon of butter to the jelly at this point will help minimize foaming. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add the four cups of sugar all at once.

Bring the mixture back to a boil while stirring it constantly to dissolve all the sugar, scraping down the sides of the pot as it cooks. When the jelly boils to a point where you can't stir it down, set a one-minute timer and keep cooking and stirring.

How to Make The Jelly For Short-Term Storage

Remove the jelly from the stove and move it to a protected surface or rack to ladle it into your squeaky-clean jars. If there is any foam, skim it off and discard it.

Ladle the hot jelly mixture into half-pint jars, leaving about one-half inch of headspace. Carefully wipe the rim of the jar with a clean, damp dishcloth, then put on the lid and the ring, tightening them by hand.

Let it cool completely without disturbing the jar. Once the jelly has cooled, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Canning The Dandelion Jelly

To keep the dandelion jelly safe for long-term shelf-stable storage, you will need to treat the jars in a boiling water bath for ten minutes. Use a canning jar lifter to put the jars into the boiling water bath and set a ten-minute timer. Be sure the water covers the jars by at least one inch.

When the time is up, use the canning jar lifter to remove the jars and put them on a rack or thick towel to cool. Allow the jars to sit without moving or touching until they are completely cool. You'll hear the distinctive "ping" sound as the jars seal.

I was delighted with how well this jelly turned out! It is beautiful and tastes amazing. The recipe made six perfectly filled jars. I had to scrape the pot to treat myself to a sample! I love it and despite the fact it's a bit more work than some other jellies, I think this new dandelion jelly is really special and will make very unique gifts!

Not only is dandelion jelly delicious, but it's surprisingly nutritious. Dandelion flowers are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, calcium, and iron. They also have diuretic properties and have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

So next time you see a field of dandelions, don't just think of them as pesky weeds. Instead, think of them as a source of delicious and nutritious jelly.

My daughters and I love making jelly and jam! We call them "jam sessions!" Everyone gets excited when they receive a gift of homemade goodies like these!

How To Get Ready For A Jam Session

Read through the instructions and be ready to follow them. They are simple but critical to success.

Before you begin, get all your canning supplies together to avoid a mad rush to the store. Once you have started a batch, it's almost impossible to stop.

Everything you'll need is readily available at grocery stores, hardware stores, online, and even Walmart. The things you'll need are inexpensive and last a long time. And believe me, you'll find lots of uses for jars, jar lifters, and canning funnels beyond making jam!

That's my lovely canning towel. It was probably a graduation gift from long ago. I keep it stashed in a handy drawer on my island, where we conduct our jam sessions!

Two more bits of advice. Don't try to reduce the amount of sugar. The sugar, pectin, and fruit ratio is exactly what it needs to be.

Each batch will vary slightly in yield. Do not double the recipe, thinking you will save time. It simply doesn't work. "Jam juju" requires it to be made in single batches.

Canning and jelly-making are so much fun and so rewarding. Make some jelly as a group project! Just make sure someone brings some freshly baked bread to sample, sample, sample!


Yield: six half pint (one cup) jars

Dandelion Jelly

dandelion jelly

This is a recipe for a beautiful and unique jelly made from dandelion petals that tastes like honey with a touch of floral essence.

Prep Time 8 hours
Cook Time 12 minutes
Additional Time 10 minutes
Total Time 8 hours 22 minutes


  • Two to three cups of dandelion petals
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp butter
  • One 1.75-ounce box of Sure-Jell powdered pectin
  • 4 cups sugar


  1. See the post for how to gather dandelion petals from the blossoms.
  2. Pour four cups of boiling water over the dandelion petals and let it steep in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Strain the petals through cheesecloth or a fine metal strainer, squeezing out as much liquid as possible. You should have about three to four cups of "dandelion tea." Discard the petals.
  4. Put the liquid into a large pot with lemon juice, butter, and pectin.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. Add the sugar all at once and cook, stirring constantly to dissolve all the sugar.
  7. When it reaches a bill you cannot stir down, set a one-minute timer and continue to cook and stir.
  8. Remove the pot for the stove and set it on a protected surface.
  9. Ladle the jelly into jars, leaving about 1/2" headspace. Seal with lids and rings tightened by hand.
  10. Allow the jars to cool completely before refrigerating them for short-term storage for up to three months.
  11. Process the jars in a boiling water bath for long-term storage for ten minutes. Make, Make sure the water covers the jar by at least one inch.
  12. Carefully remove the jars from the water bath using a canning jar lifter. Set on a rack or thick towel to cool completely without disturbing them. If they do not seal, refrigerate and use within three months.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 67Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 3mgCarbohydrates: 17gFiber: 0gSugar: 17gProtein: 0g

Try one of these easy recipes: Raspberry Jam, Peach Jam, or Orange Marmalade. If you're hungry for more, type "jelly" or "jam" into the search bar.

If you liked this recipe, you are my people! Please share it on your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter! It would sure tickle me, and I would be ever so grateful!

If you haven't already, please look for me on Facebook and Pinterest. I share easy, delicious, family-friendly recipes there every week!

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